Sigur Rós’ Ágætis byrjun named best Icelandic album ever

sigur ros

A survey by Icelandic National Radio and ranked Sigur Rós’ 1999 album (10 years ago this month), Ágætis byrjun, as the greatest Icelandic album of all time. To compile the list, the team talked to experts in the music press and industry and conducted a public poll. Sigur Rós’ 2008 album, Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust, and 2005’s Takk… came in at 9th and 20th place respectively. More proof that nobody needs “languages” people can “understand” or “write without having to insert special characters” to make good music. Below are tracks from this now epic album.

Sigur Rós – “Starálfur” [MP3]

Sigur Rós – “Svefn-g-englar” [MP3]

Sigur Rós – “Ný batterí” [MP3]