Lisa Hannigan has awesome voice, Colbert Bump


You may already know Lisa Hannigan as the former female voice behind Damien Rice’s recorded output and live show. She’s been going solo now for a little while, and has one full-length under her belt, but I still feel like she’s been hovering under the radar for way too long.

So, first things first – this isn’t a somber girl-and-a-guitar record. Hannigan’s tracks are lushly put together, featuring all sorts of instruments that work together to create a warm, inviting atmosphere, and her smoky voice fits beautifully on top.

The tracks on her CD, Sea Sew, are largely upbeat; although she shines on slower ballads (see: much of her Damien Rice work), these self-written songs are a nice change of pace. And when she does go for slower, bigger songs (“Teeth”), the magic is still very much there.

Another reason to check her out – she got the Colbert Bump. And, I mean, that’s pretty much foolproof, right?

Lisa Hannigan – “I Don’t Know” [MP3]

Lisa Hannigan – “Teeth” [MP3]

Lisa Hannigan – “Venn Diagram” [MP3]

Lisa Hannigan on MySpace

Buy Sea Sew

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