In Case You Missed It: Week in Review

"Eggs have feelings too" - from Digital Apoptosis
"Eggs have feelings too" - from Digital Apoptosis

In case you were crying over Jon & Kate’s declaration, “We Might Split Up,” here’s what you missed this week on Knox Road.

What are the cool kids listening to nowadays? BriTunes…er, Brian Williams. And interviews with artists like Deer Tick.
Free debut album from Boston’s The Hush Now. Breaks down what we expect from natural chord progression.
Blatant self-boasting: Knox Road on Wikio’s top 100 monthly music blogs. (Thanks everyone for the kind words.)

Bark Cat Bark would of course juxtapose the intricate with the simple. Name and music full of hypocrisies. And it’s great.
Calgary’s Kris Ellestad has 64 songs up for free download. Sixty. Four.

The Lonely Island do a very much just okay version of “I’m On A Boat” live on Jimmy Fallon. Cause for concert concern?

Color of Clouds are magical. Lee is in love. (Seriously, one of my favorite new finds in a while.)

30 Rock gets famous musicians to sing about kidneys! Can you name them all??

The Prodigy bringing their tribal-trance, riot-esque dance party to the 9:30 club.
Joey and Matthew trade sounds back and forth on the internet to make music for The Ventura Project. Neat-o!

image courtesy of Digital Apoptosis