Josh Todd, songwriter/composer, is Bark Cat Bark, out of Paris (France, not Texas.) Imagine what artists like Beirut or Fanfarlo (two of Todd’s influences) would sound like without the vocals and with a toned down classical theme. You’d get something close to Bark Cat Bark – music that one can easily label classical, yet has much more going on. If you connote classical with sounds that are easy on the ear, then yes, Bark Cat Bark fits that category, but you can only fall asleep to some of his songs (…like say, “The Sleeping Song.”)
Todd has a knack for somehow juxtaposing the intricate with the simple – while everything comes out as one cohesive sound, there are layers upon layers of arranged instrumentation. In no song is this more evident than one of my favorites, “Galatia,” which starts off with a solid drum beat to lay the foundation, then is built upon by keys, strings, whistles, and more. Have a listen to some of his stuff, it will surely stick with you.
Also, Todd has made available several mp3s on his MySpace, so if you like what I feature here, I encourage you to check that out and find more. You can also purchase his most recent album, Á Lífi, here.
Bark Cat Bark – “Galatia” [MP3]
Bark Cat Bark – “Lac Pavin” [MP3]
Josh is a force of the creative surge that dynamically transforms solid to fluid on a regular basis… Music is part magic and part a passionate blooming of integrative intellect… and Josh Todd is one of the most dimensional performers I have ever been priveledged to observe… his impact and receptive ears… go beyond what is the conventional approach… Give him sticks and strings and most anything he will make it Bark and Sing for you!
Bark Cat Bark is actually making money with a song he stole from a friend of mine. The song is Coffre Fort, and according to him, he wrote the song and a girl called Béatrice Larouche sang it. He litteraly stole the song, without even bothering with changing anything to it and claimed it was his. 650 peoples already bought this song from iTunes and I think Bark Cat Bark is a thief. The original player and composer of that is Eli et Papillon and the song can easily be found, under the same name.
Pass the word.
I think it’s plain artistic Rape.
I just listened to both. I will look into this. Check back here for an answer (hopefully) soon.
You can find the song on Reverb Nation and on his myspace.
The song cannot be found on itune I just had a look. I think the song has been mistaken for a bark cat bark song because it sounds like one of his compositions?
I’ve received word about the situation from Josh Todd (Bark Cat Bark) himself.
Once I get permission from him I will explain what’s going on – it has confused both Todd and Eli et Papillon. Please refrain from stating anything else about this until I post what I’ve learned.
Knox Road
For those who are interested I have posted about the situation in detail, with quotes from Josh Todd (aka Bark Cat Bark). Check it out:
Ok… Well, as an artist, you have to take care of your material and what you say is your material. This may be a mistake but still, the responsability remains. I know my first comment may looks harsh but I think these situations deserve a reaction.
Whoever is responsible for this, Bark Cat Bark or not, should apologize and/or take responsability for his action.
I agree completely.
I’m still very confused, as it seems both parties are (if everyone is being truthful).
he ain’t from France and he ain’t French
Nope he sure aint french.He cant speak a damn word of it. He stole that song as well as pretended to be forming a band with Zach Condon and members of Arcade Fire.
I wonder why he quit heheh.