The Vaselines announce “tour dates”


I understand that older bands can’t tour very much, what with the back pains and arthritis and family yadda yadda. But I’m sorely disappointed Scotland’s The Vaselines, who Kurt Cobain like worshipped, are only doing a few dates primarily on the West Coast. Seriously, they have two shows in California, one in Oregon, another in Seattle and then a single show out East. Well bad news for me, but great news if you live out west. Sub Pop is releasing a comp., Enter The Vaselines, on May 5. 

The Vaselines – “Son Of A Gun” [MP3]

5.10 Los Angeles, CA – El Rey Theater
5.11 San Francisco, CA – Bimbo’s
5.12 Seattle, WA – Neumos
5.13 Portland, OR – Doug Fir Lounge
5.15 Toronto, Ontario – Lee’s Palace
5.16 Chicago, IL – Metro
5.18 Brooklyn, NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg
5.28 Barcelona, Spain – Primavera Sound Festival


  1. It’s like the Dead Milkmen meet the Moldy Peaches. Okay if you’ve run through your collection of the Dead Milkmen and the Moldy Peaches I guess.

  2. I love Zach’s sentiment; I was just thinking this same thing whilst (I’ll say that because I think this is a UKsite, maybe not!) listening to KEXP and a live session of the new Avi Buffalo with everyone so amazed by the sound. I too thought this a wonderful sound, and I may pick up the CD based on the fact that a group I absolutely loved from Montreal in the 90s called Local Rabbits (seriously, find “Basic Concept” and “You Can’t Touch This” if you can) has finally after about 4000 listened, worn out it’s massive ability to change my life on each listen. So listen up, people who’re thinking Avi Buffalo is a prodigy: Local Rabbits did it FIRSTand BEST!!!!!!!!!!! And as Zach sentiments in a much more consise manner, if you’ve run through your collection of Local Rabbits, pick up Avi Buffalo.

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