Late night. Windmill.

windmillThrowing these lyrics at you seems appropriate because: a) i love this song. b) i read Jose Saramago’s “Blindness” earlier this year. c) i watched LOST last night. d) it’s night time – let’s mix things up a little, shall we?

Windmill – “Plastic Pre-Flight Seats” [MP3] (left click)

“…So jump out, jump in
Jump out of your skin.

Starting leads to worry
Worry tends to start
In plastic pre flight seats and oh
If only I could beat the buzz
To stop my hands to shake
I would be your rock
This terminal’s not right
I thought it was going to be white…”

1 comment

  1. Wow, just commented on your William Fitzsimmons and then found this post right before it! Windmill has something that I just like. I mean for a guy (me) that tends to only like hurt cowboys with an acoustic guitar I don’t know why I am drawn to this album. It is dark, rainy, piano driven freak folk cinema…if I had to say….

    Again, nice post.

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