Evening Magazine


We received an email a while back from Evening Magazine, a Philadelphia folk pop collective (9 members..whoaa), about their recently released 5-song debut EP, The Ride Across Lake Constance, but I just got around to listening to one of the songs, “18 Wheels” recently. And how I regret not listening sooner. In the ever-burgeoning fad that is orchestral “collectives” in the indie world, Evening Magazine stand out with such a coherent sound, yet keeping it lo-fi at the same time. The end result is a beautiful atmospheric effect full of breathy vocals, handclaps (my favorite), bells, percussion, keys, etc.

This song is a spellbinder, that’s for sure. Check it out, and we’ll get to more about Evening Magazine soon.

Evening Magazine – “18 Wheels” [MP3] (alternate link – left click)

Edit: Something I was just thinking about…is the whole “18 wheels on a desert highway” a metaphor for the 9 group members?

Evening Magazine on MySpace