The Tiny


You had to have known that I’d be writing up a Swedish band on here sometime soon, especially with many international bands attending and performing SXSW, which is right around the corner. I have recently become besotted with The Tiny, a Stockholm, Sweden trio who make devastatingly heartbreaking music with such a crisp sound for which you bow to its beauty. The Tiny consist of, unsurprisingly, the cute Swedish couple thing (Ellekari Larsson and Leo Svensson), along with a member who they call the “third wheel,” Johan Berthling (aw, sorry Johan), and are occasionally accompanied by two other members for touring.

I can promise you I’m not using hyperbole when I say that The Tiny is music unlike anything you have ever heard before (while there have been Joanna Newsom comparisons, there are noticeable differences), mostly due to the inimitable vocals of Larsson who leads you to the cusp of an emotional breaking point upon each listen, bringing you along with her on a journey full of fantasy, desire, and almost a resigned hopelessness. The Tiny also employs an exquisite use of appropriate instruments – piano, organ, synth, cello, glockenspiel, musical saw, bass, horn, etc. – to create a quirky folk sound that envelops the listener into a whirring daze.

Larsson and Svensson started The Tiny in 2002 upon a recommendation from a friend that they would enjoy playing together, and as all happy stories go, they fell musically in love with each other and decided to work from there. They have released two full-lengths, Close Enough (2004) and Starring; Someone Like You (2006), and are in the process of finishing a third. The Tiny will be debuting the new tracks at SXSW on March 20 at the SESAC Day Stage Cafe Austin Convention Center.

The awesome Ellekari Larsson offered Knox Road a new track off the yet-to-be released album for your listening pleasure, as well as some older material from which I will post three of my favorites.

The Tiny – “Too Heavy A Burden” [MP3] (unmastered new track!)

The Tiny – “Sorry” [MP3] (from Starring; Someone Like You)

The Tiny – “Dirty Frames” [MP3] (from Starring; Someone Like You)

The Tiny – “In My Back” [MP3] (from Close Enough)

The Tiny on MySpace