Pawnshop Diamond makes sweetest music video of all time

A KR favorite, Pawnshop Diamond, just released a video for their song “Carleen.” The song is named after a director who directed the video and also made a documentary named after another one of the band’s songs. Wha? Very circular. Like Samsara (confused? Learn something today). 

Although it looks kind of like one of those homage videos they play at somebody’s funeral, it’s also the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever seen. You WILL think this is adorable. Or else you don’t love. 

The band released some awesome material last year that you can get a second listen to along with the video, below. 

Pawnshop Diamond – “Cabernet Sauvignon” [MP3]

Pawnshop Diamond – “Dead” [MP3]

Pawnshop Diamond on Myspace