MP3s of some SXSW artists, season finale (part five)


I apologize for how long it has taken to get to this last installment for SXSW, but I hope you’ve found solace in all the other posts we’ve been able to put out lately! Busy times for us here at Knox Road, that’s for sure. Anyway, as promised, here are the final highlights and mp3s from some of the U-Z SXSW artists to prepare you for the upcoming Austin event. Anything you want to point out that I missed, leave a comment and let me know!

So, um…see you next year (if you only came here for the SXSW posts duh). And if you can, actually go to the shows! Check out the previous installments at the bottom of the post. Good Day.

  • Ume – “The Conductor” [MP3] Sprawling rock, female-fronted trio from Austin. I haven’t seen them live, though I’d expect them to make for one hell of an act (especially having performed with Arcade Fire). This is their fourth year playing SXSW.
  • Venice Is Sinking – “Ryan’s Song” [MP3] Dreamy five-piece, from Athens, GA, who can also turn it up a notch when necessary. Been listening to Venice Is Sinking for a few years now, still waiting for them to really make it. They certainly have the talent, but I think they need to create a more diverse sound to gain a greater following. But good news! Their bio exclaims that their upcoming LP is “poppier” and “twangier”. Btw, I still love “Pulaski Heights”.
  • Via Audio – “Developing Active People” [MP3] Hard to describe this Brooklyn foursome’s sound. They mix and match harmonies, have some subtle electro stuff going on in the background, and make for a great overall listen.
  • The Von Bondies – “This Is Our Perfect Crime” [MP3] I’m not a big Von Bondies fan (though I am a fan of Rescue Me), but this opening track off the Detroit crew’s latest album, Love, Hate, and Then There’s You, is catchy as hell with some exploding guitar riffs.
  • Voxtrot – “Kid Gloves” [MP3] I probably don’t need to say anything about them to Knox Road readers. So I won’t…but they are from Austin. Does that count?
  • Brooke Waggoner – “Live For The Sounds” [MP3] I like her music. I also like the the intro of her bio: “…But here’s the stark reality of the situation: I am not. I am not a good writer. Because once you admit or feel you are a good writer, all the goodness goes away and a kind of cold confidence takes its place – predictable things happen in your songs and it all feels too well-constructed. People say things like, “he/she knows what he/she is doing,” or “I’m a professional” starts ringing throughout your brain and rattles around like a rock in your shoe, or “this worked last time; I’ll try and re-vamp that. Having given you my preface, please keep in mind that the following thoughts on songwriting are from a non-good songwriter…” Continue reading about the Nashville singer/songwriter here.
  • Wave Machine – “I Go I Go I Go” [MP3] Totally fun, electronic/pop/disco ditty from these Brits. You stay so…I go I go I go!
  • The Webb Sisters – “Calling This Life” [MP3] These sisters from the UK play their strings (HARP, guitar, mandolin) with heart and incorporate emotive vocals with elegant harmonies. Seriously dudes.
  • Wheat – “El Sincero” [MP3] Wheat!! Where have you been? “I Met A Girl” was one of my favorite songs for a period of time back in high school. And it was all the more awesome considering they’re from my home state of Massachusetts. I miss their catchy, wandering pop. They’re apparently working on a new record titled White Ink, Black Ink. I can’t wait.
  • White Lies – “Death” [MP3] The UK boys are basically on everyone’s list for bands to watch in 2009. And for good reason. I’m just hoping they don’t get hyped to death and burn out.
  • Winterpills – “Beesting” [MP3] The first of two “Winter-” bands, this one from MA, had their album, Central Chambers, on Bob’s honorable mentions for best of ’08. So if you like Bob, you should check out this music. Am I right Bob? Yeah.
  • Wintersleep – “Weighty Ghost” [MP3] Those who know me are well aware that I’ve put this song on just about every mix tape I’ve made in the past year. Orchestral and plaintive together make for quite a sound for this Halifax five-piece.
  • Youth Group – “Start Today Tomorrow” [MP3] You know them, we know them. They’re Australian. They are good at what they do. They make soft pop music and are close friends of Chris Walla (from Death Cab For Cutie), who mixed their latest album, The Night Is Ours.

Thus concludes our five part series. Previously:

MP3s of some SXSW artists (A-E)

MP3s of some SXSW artists, part two (F-J)

MP3s of some SXSW artists, part three (K-O)

MP3s of some SXSW artists, part four (P-T)