Incredibad:An Opinion

I have a firm belief that one cannot review a comedic album. Who the hell am I to decide what it is that should be universally known as funny? No one, thats who. But what I can do is tell you whether or not I found it funny. So this is not a review, but an opinion on the matter.

The Lonely Island aren’t exactly new to the fake-rap song game. These boys have been making funny hip-hop songs for somewhere between 6-8 years. But I guess if you work really hard on Chanel 101, you will eventually get on SNL. Then you will eventually make something called a “Digital Short”, and everyone in America will know that you are having a Lazy Sunday or that your dick is in a box.

As the newer songs are considered, I think most of them hold up very well. I love Boombox, and to be honest I have no idea why. That is what The Lonely Island do to you. And why they make an effort to keep bringing up Carlos Santana’s newest champagne, Santana DVX, is beyond me. But if E-40 is involved and the beat is good…fuck it. I am going to laugh hysterically. While listening to the song “Punch You In The Jeans”, I thought Warren G was originally on the track. It is that good.

It is always good to make sure that you have a thousand classics to put on an album. Dick in a box, Jizz in my pants, I’m on a boat, Ras Trent, Natalie Portman Rap, Lazy Sunday. That alone is enough for an awesome comedy album. I’m sure you know most all of those songs. They are all on the album.

Low Point? No “Just 2 Guyz” and having it replaced with “We Like Sportz”. Oh…and Jack Black’s song. Thats about it.

Pick this album up…it has been on the blog enough.


  1. I think they’re really funny, but how well do the songs hold up sans video? I’ve always enjoyed the lonely island, but don’t the accompanying videos help the songs really stand out (I can’t imagine JIMP without the faces of Andy and those two other guys…yea)

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