Exit Clov Updates and New Song!


Exit Clov will be releasing a new/old album (new album, songs recorded back in 2007) anytime between now and spring (whenever that is) and has a new, free mp3 up for download on their website (the mp3 is featured here as well)! They’re also planning an April tour of the East Coast and the Midwest. Check out these tidbits from the message they sent:

  • “Sometime between now and spring time, we’ll be releasing a new Exit Clov record, featuring a collection of songs we recorded back in Fall 2007 at Inner Ear Studios with Devin Ocampo and Chad Clark.”
  • “We’re all reeling from inauguration fever. Our piddly savings are going down the drain. We’re clinging to our jobs for dear life. But we here at Clov headquarters are celebrating anyway by getting ready to release a brand new song… for FREE! The new tune is a little different from our usual fare and features our friends Ryan Walker (of The Beanstalk Library) on vocals and Kate Rears (ex-Alphabetical Order) on cello. We recorded it in October 2007. It’s been gathering dust on the shelf and waiting to be rediscovered! The song is called ‘My Country’s At War.’ It will be available for free download on our website for a short time, so please refer your friends and fellow music lovers to the site. “
  • “Finally, an East Coast/Midwest tour is in the works for April, so check back at the Exit Clov shows page for tour dates!”

Bizarre time to release this song…

MP3: Exit Clov – “My Country’s At War”