

Up in Vancouver, B.C. is a band called Wintermitts that is oh so cute and oh so impressive. Their specialty is using different types of instruments and subtly working them into songs in a very natural way. Their latest album, Heirloom, shows off their talents as well as their ability to speak French (yay bilingual music!).

Their songs are short (typically clocking in at two and a half minutes) but they manage to work in plenty of material. Wintermitts is upbeat and I like that. They’re like the chipper younger sibling of Arcade Fire.

Apparently the band has a “musical chairs” style live show, but I don’t get what that means. Sounds fun! Heirlooms seems a little jumpy, like the band is still searching for that consistent style that can dominate a record. What it does come with, however, are several simple, well-crafted songs. And that’s all I need. Check out a couple tracks below and grab the full album.

Wintermitts – “DANS” (MP3)

Wintermitts – “Accord Mineur” (MP3)