I like music from 2008!

In the spirit of the season, I am going to do a “best of” list for this year. This is a big deal to me, as I have been preparing for this since January 2008. I highly recommend the following albums for consumption…

5. Titus Andronicus – The Airing of Grievances

It is essential to have an album where the whole thing starts off loud and clear with a “Fuck you!’. Really gets my heart pumping, and it lets me know that the artist cares. Titus Andronicus have a lo-fi catchy sound, and if you are into that sort of thing (like I am) then this album will register close to perfection for you.

4. Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes

If you are reading this blog, there is a 94.3 percent chance you have heard of Fleet Foxes. I really feel as though I don’t need to say anything about it. So I won’t. But on the off-chance you haven’t heard of Fleet Foxes, get their breakout album immediately.

3. TV on the Radio – Dear Science

TV on the Radio is funky, smart, and really weird. Dear Science is able to take those three adjectives and twist them into a masterpiece of an album. Dear Science is a no-brainer for pretty much every “best of” list this year. And I have been checking.

2. Miniature Tigers – Tell it to the Volcano

Yes, I know. I just heard this album a week or so ago. But that was all it took for me to fall in love with Miniature Tigers. Smart and dark pop-rock takes me by the throat and won’t let me go. There was no need to personify smart and dark pop-rock. Sigh.

1. Born Ruffians – Red, Yellow & Blue

If I started my own country
For the flag, what colours would I use?
Such a myriad to choose from
I would pick red, yellow & blue

Red, for the blood I’d spill to own it
Yellow, for the sun which shines my way
& although I am leader of this country
Blue, because I’d still have sad days

Holy shit.

That is my list. I also loved Q-Tip – The Renaissance, Portishead – Third, No Age – Nouns and a lot of others that would take 40 pages to fill.