Bionic Pixie

bionic-pixie2Straying a bit from Knox Road’s usual music selection is electro-dance-beat-maker Bionic Pixie. The woman behind the sound, Zoe Fleury (best name award?), comes from my favorite country in the world New Zealand and tears down the house. There’s hardly a second to stop and think with her songs. The harsh beats stand out from most musicians making more simplistic and clean stuff these days.

Is it just me, or does New Zealand breed natural talent? I don’t really try to understand. I usually leave it up to our friends at Einstein Music Journal, but it always baffles me. One of these days I’m flying there and seeing every live act in the country. The song Bionic Pixie’s been promoting is “Quit Breathing,” and it’s just great. Links below.

Bionic Pixie – “Quit Breathing” (MP3 link removed, listen to “Quit Breathing” streaming here)

Bionic Pixie on Myspace