Tokyo Police Club on Desperate Housewives

Tokyo Police Club played at the very generic sounding “Battle of the Bands” on Desperate Housewives under the name Coldsplash. The band was initially name-dropped on the show a few weeks ago as Lynette tried to flirt with her son online (Don’t ask. Just watch). The husbands of Desperate described them last night as “so young” and “really good” as they fret about being too old for the competition (which heats up you could say! ZING!). So naturally “those old guys,” as I’m sure they’re called, play “Mustang Sally” to appeal to all those hip youngsters. Hey, that’s the song my Dad plays in all of his middle-aged people bands! 

Stereogum has the video for you.

Here’s the song they play that really WOWs the guys.

Tokyo Police Club – “In A Cave” (MP3)