We have the honor and pleasure of introducing the new Wickerbird track with good friend Dave Rawkblog, as well as FensePost and The Blue Indian. If you regularly read KR, you probably know Dave and I have similar taste, so if you’re typically aligned with our flavors of the week, you should be enamored with “Druids.”
I’m not quite sure how I previously missed Wickerbird, aka Blake Cowan out of Mt. Rainier, Washington. I’ve listened to his new LP, The Crow Mother, in full and it’s exquisite. The second half chorus of “Druids” is unrivaled in its unrefined elegance. Carefully plucked strings render me insignificant.
Bonus: Wickerbird – “The Fold” [MP3]
The Crow Mother is due out September 25. Get it. Please.