
Quickbeam, out of Glasgow, is one of those bands that’s on the brink of stardom but not quite there yet because of their raw qualities. The trio’s debut single, “Seven Hundred Birds,” showcases precisely what is perfect but also missing. The elegant strings, the orchestral, slow-winding story. All beautiful stuff. But while Monica Gromek’s vocals are lovely in their accented singularity, she needs a little bit more oomph in them; something to stand up to the lush backing. Andrew Thomsen’s harmonies also seem to lose their way a bit. It’s frustrating because I can see so much greatness in the possibility of “Seven Hundred Birds” and it just doesn’t achieve its full potential (despite being very very good).

If Quickbeam can keep this up, build and expand upon “Seven Hundred Birds,” we’ll be in store for one of the greats. Until then, we’ll have to settle for good.  Quickbeam recently signed to the Glasgow-based Comets and Cartwheels label.