[MP3] The Good Natured: “Prisoner”

The phenomenon of young artists getting more air time is nothing new. But rarely do we stumble upon a teenager who evokes such raw emotion as Sarah McIntosh (aka The Good Natured), a 19-year-old Brit. She’ll be releasing her second single, “My Animal”, November 1 via KIDS, and is teasing/pleasing us with the b-side in “Prisoner”, available for free download.

“Prisoner”‘s penetration begins immediately, with a sharp, pounding beat and unnerving vocals. The song is not for the weak of heart, seeping deep into our flesh and making us want to crawl out of our skin. It’s a cry of and for courage and liberation, yet the undertone suggests an acute desire for help.

The Good Natured – “Prisoner” [MP3]

The Good Natured on MySpace


  1. Nothing wrong with wearing influences on sleeves…or on lower/upper eyelids and lips as it were. Oh Siouxie…how I, too, wanted to be you as well (in 1986).

  2. Okay, we must have some kind of weird subconscious connection because I have a post about her sitting in my drafts! I totally stumbled upon her randomly a few days ago after a series of clicks through a bunch of blogs I don’t normally read.

    PS – I can’t make up my mind if she wants to look like Siouxsie or Robert Smith, though I’m leaning toward Robert Smith at this point. 🙂

  3. Yeah, when that happens to me with blogs I read regularly I’m always a little freaked out.

    re: Robert Smith: Why had I not thought of that?? On the money. Scratch my first comment, this freaks me out…

    PS – when did you change your design? I had no idea!

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